Beach Volleyball Performance Training

•    Are you aged 14–20?Beach Volleyball Talent ID
•    A regular participant in volleyball or other ball sports?
•    Excited by the prospect of summer on the beach?
•    Interested in a training opportunity in Malta?

The Scottish Volleyball Association are offering beach volleyball training for young players keen to develop their performance skills, engage in the Scottish beach volleyball tour and potentially work towards Scottish representation at a European training camp, scheduled for July 2012 and a new European tour under development for 2013.

Midweek sessions will run in Troon (Tues), Portobello (Weds) and St Andrews (Thurs), with a qualified coach with beach and performance volleyball experience assigned to lead each session.  The six planned sessions in each location will take place from 6.30pm to 8.30 pm, on the beach.  Week night will vary dependent on location, but will be consistent and run on each of the following weeks:-

Weeks Commencing:-

28th May, 4th June, 11th June, 18th June, 25th June, 2nd July

Total cost per person is £25 for 6 sessions, including 12 hours of coaching.

To register, please contact stating your preferred venue and a brief summary of your current level of sporting activity.  Alternatively, please call 0131 556 4633 for further detail.

For details of the Scottish Beach Tour 2012, please see