President and Vice-President (Unremunerated)

Scottish Volleyball (SV) is recruiting a President and Vice-President to join us in our continued development of the sport and organisation in Scotland. These roles will act as the face of the organisation, representing SV in all official capacities.

The purpose of the SV Board is to provide leadership and develop policy on behalf of SV and work with key agencies and other sub regional partners to develop sport
and its infrastructure across Scotland. It champions and advocates sport, the work of SV and its partners.

As a member of the Board of Scottish Volleyball, directors are fiscally responsible for the organisation and must register as a Board Member on Companies House.

Time Requirements: 

  • To prepare for, attend, and actively participate at Board meetings at least 4
    times per year.
  • Attendance at our annual members meeting.
  • Attendance at all major Scottish Volleyball events including, but not limited to, Cup Finals, Cup Semi-Finals, Schools Cup Finals, League Finals.
  • Ad-hoc email and phone commitment.
  • Attendance at official events, meetings, and gatherings.
  • Representing Scottish Volleyball at CEV & FIVB Congress and other official international events.

If you are interested in being considered for one of these roles then please complete and send the Board Skills Matrix, a current CV and covering letter to outlining your expertise for the role along with a detailed description of what you would bring to the Board.

The Skills Matrix can be found here:

Closing date for applications is Friday 7th June 2024.

If you would like to discuss this role informally before applying, please contact Margaret Ann Fleming MBE, CEO, at or 07765 212490.

Once you have formally applied for one of these positions, you will then be considered a candidate for President or Vice-President of the organisation at the upcoming Scottish Volleyball Members Meeting on June 22nd 2024 subject to a background check.

The Scottish Volleyball membership shall be informed of your candidacy prior to the Members Meeting week commencing 10th June 2024 and your application shall be circulated to allow them to make an informed decision when voting on the day.

Please include a picture of yourself as well as a blurb detailing your commitments to the role to be no more than 250 words to be included in your candidacy announcement.

You may give a short presentation to put forward your intentions as President or Vice-President. Members will then be given the opportunity to ask questions relating to your presentation and candidacy. A vote will then be taken with the person with the highest number of votes declared as the new President-elect and Vice-President-elect. Both positions will then go to a final Board meeting for confirmation.

In the event that no applicants are received for the Vice-President position, then Scottish Volleyball President and Board reserve the right to appoint a Vice-President from the remaining Presidential candidates based on application, skills, and experience.

The President and Vice-President shall each hold office for a period of two years.

The President and Vice-President shall be entitled to stand for re-election at a members meeting not more than twice, so that no person shall serve as the President or Vice-President for a period of more than six years.

For more information on the role, please see the Job Specification below:

President Job Specification

Vice-President Job Specification