Dig Set Quartet is a new concept for Scottish Volleyball to allow for more National Participation in our Competitions as well as engaging more District level players into our competition pathway.

Maximum Entries – 16 Teams

Competition Entry = £10

Entries are First Come First Served basis

* 1 Female Player on Court at All Times
* 1 SVL Player on Court Maximum
* All players must be members of Scottish Volleyball (forms available on the day)


Normal FIVB playing rules apply
Badminton Court (Outside Lines)
4 players on court
Only 3 front row players allowed (Badminton Service Line acts as Attack Line)
Each Team will be required to provide officials
If time is up and ball is in play, Play the point out

Pool play followed by Classification
Max 16 teams = 4 Pools x 4
Timed Games
Net Height – Mixed Adults
Teams will be drawn out of a hat before competition into specific draw positions.