Mikasa partnership with Scottish Volleyball

Margaret Ann Fleming and Nick Nelms, Managing Director of Sportset and official representative of Mikasa securing the 4yr sponsorship agreement for National League Clubs, at the 40th Anniversary Christmas Challenge Event at the Kelvin Hall In Glasgow.

“I know this announcement is overdue, but I think the result makes it worth the wait!”
Margaret Ann Fleming
CEO Scottish Volleyball

The Mikasa ball deal which many clubs have been waiting for is finally here and the great news is;  the SVA are giving your club the deal free.

Scottish Volleyball is pleased to announce that we will be giving to all Senior National League Clubs;

  • 6 Mikasa MVA200 balls
  • A Mikasa 6 ball carrier
  • A Mikasa banner to promote your NL matches

Getting something for nothing is rare these days, and that’s part of the reason why Scottish Volleyball is  delighted that we have managed to negotiate this super deal for our senior clubs.
The next four years are crucial to the development of our sport with the new SVA Strategic Plan 2009-13 highlighting the constant need to support, encourage and grow our club infrastructure.  Making Scottish Volleyball Bigger, Better, and Stronger, preparing our membership and clubs for 2013 and beyond.

Scottish Volleyball believes that this ‘give away’ is the first step towards helping many clubs prepare and promote club matches for the start of next season.   All National League clubs can collect the balls, bag and banner from the Association before the end of March 2009 and thereafter we shall post them out free of charge to any club which has not managed to pick them up directly.

If you have any questions relating to this article and the promotion please do not hesitate to call the Scottish Volleyball 01315564633 and or mail email