The date: Sunday 21st August 2011
The time: 09.45 – 15.00
The venue: Forthbank Performance Sport Centre
Stirling Sports Village
Stirling, FK7 7UJ
01786 448592
In 2009 the SVA held its first SVA Club Administrators day which corresponded to the launch of the SVA’s 2009-2013 Strategic Plan.
In a follow up to this successful day and in way of thanking all you all for you boundless hard work, expertise and enthusiasm for our sport, Scottish Volleyball is inviting your Club Administrator and your club’s Child Protection Officer to a free updating, up-skilling and hopefully uplifting conference day!
This conference is being used as a forum to identify key issues for the forthcoming season, help your Club become Bigger, Better and Stronger through the sharing of good practice, information and new projects.
This year’s Club conference has a series of similar aims; please click on schedule to read the full itinerary for the day
• Inform Clubs on where we are with the 2009/13 Strategic Plan and seek their help in actively achieving the Development Plan targets
• Special delivery Children 1st – Child Protection made simple
• Share new initiatives from the Referees and Competitions commissions
The presenters are organised, lunch will be provided, and the event topics are both relevant and important ………. If your Club hasn’t signed up yet, sign up now! Deadline for registration is Friday 12th August 2011.
Please see the Schedule for the day.
Did you know that your Club has been invited to participate in this essential meeting? We need each and every Club, Junior or Senior, to send along two delegates to the Forthbank Performance Centre
If you need further information contact Stephanie here and she will be delighted to help.
Margaret Ann Fleming
1st July 2011