Saturday 2nd April
An open invitation to coaches working within Scottish Volleyball to attend a men’s National Team Programme practice session. The day will begin at 10am in Coatbridge HS where NT systems, including the reasons for them, will be shared with the coaches. Performance measurement targets will also be shared including how these were identified. As the day progresses coaches can observe and assist in the delivery of the session focussing on further embedding NT systems and tactics in preparation for the SCA Finals in May.
Sunday 3rd April
Coaches will once again be welcomed back to Coatbridge HS, this time to assist with NT match preparation. The tournament will consist of players in the NT programme and invited guests. Coaches attending will be given the opportunity to assist with match coaching and statistical analysis to the level they are comfortable with.
The NT tournament continues over further weeks to maintain match sharpness post domestic season. Coaches involved in the development days will be welcome to attend and assist as often as they can.
Tournament Structure
Points are awarded to individual athletes for achieving performance targets as a team and as an individual. Service reception, attack efficiency, kill percentage, blocks made and serve efficiency, amongst others, will be measured with athletes and teams given credit for each target achieved. The selection of Teams will be different each week developing partnerships and working relationships for NT players whilst monitoring performance levels. Each week the players will receive a performance report as well as a league table of the high performing players.