Covid-19 Guidance

Scottish Volleyball would like to remind that the new Scottish Government restrictions starting today do not allow for travel outwith your local authority area if you live in Tier 3 and Tier 4. We actively encourage everyone in all…

We Will Remember Them

The staff, players and Scottish Volleyball family will pause for 2 minutes to reflect in an act of remembrance this morning at 11am for all those who paid the ultimate sacrifice.  They went with songs to the battle, they were young,  Straight…

COVID -19 Protection Levels Framework

Following the implementation of the Scottish Government’s COVID-19 protection levels, which set out measures that can be applied nationally or locally depending on prevalence of the virus across Scotland, Scottish Volleyball has developed an aligned framework for its clubs…


Following the announcement from the First Minister last week, Scotland are moving into a new 5-level system of Protection Measures against COVID-19. We have been working tirelessly on updating our guidance for indoor and outdoor volleyball to align with each…

Glasgow Schools Project

Our west regional development officer managed to escape the confines of home working today to deliver some much-needed equipment to one of our affiliated Glasgow secondary schools.It’s a project that was started away back in February of this year…