SVA Response to Phase 2 Announcement

Scottish Volleyball welcomes the First Minister’s announcement that the country will move into Phase 2 of the Scottish Government Route Map out of lockdown over the coming weeks.

Full details of the changes implemented today from the First Minister can be found;

We would like to reiterate that public health and wellbeing, and the health of the volleyball community, remains our top priority.

We urge the volleyball community to continue to abide by Phase 1 restrictions and the SVA phase 1 guidance at this time

The SVA has prepared our Phase 2 documentation (with the intention of publishing today) however based on the information delivered from the First Minister, we are working to redraft this documentation, and in partnership with sportscotland, Scottish Government and other Governing Bodies, to ensure we are consistent with the detail of the Scottish Government’s advice, before we publish with SVA members. Our intention is to have our Phase 2 guidance available for members week commencing 22nd June 2020

Our guidance will be issued through our social media platforms and direct to all members via email, and will be added to the COVID-19 section of the Scottish Volleyball website

Margaret Ann Fleming MBE
CEO Scottish Volleyball