We are delighted to offer our Stronger Clubs Conference 2018. We still have FREE Mikasa Competition Nets & Carry Bags available to be won by the first 10 clubs (SVA affiliated) registering two club members (SVA registered) and attending on the 6th January 2018.
The deadline for registration for the event is Friday the 15th of December 2017.
Please follow the link below to register for the event:
The event at Queensferry High School on Saturday the 6th of January offers the opportunity to network, update you on developments and give you the opportunity to hear from our expert guest tutors.
This year’s event will consist of three workshops centred around on our strategic plan Bigger, Better and Stronger.
Our development team will be sharing the latest plans for volleyball in Scotland and taking the opportunity within the session to gather merge ideas to connect and work cohesively with our clubs.
“As a development team we want to bring our ideas to you the membership. It is essential that we formulate plans with your expertise at the forefront. The Stronger Club Conference offers a key opportunity for us to share those ideas and listen you to. Allowing us to shape the future together.”
Lynne Beattie, Andrew Fleming & Ben Pipes – SVA Development Team
The second workshop will be led by Scottish Student Sports Communications Coordinator Keith Macleod sharing his experience in the use of media and marketing. Keith will focus on how to grow the reach of the club and developing a brand. Offering innovative ideas and sharing best practice to build a better future.
We are very happy to announce that the third session will be led by Rob Anderson from Athletic Evolution. Robs Strength and Conditioning expertise is expansive and with a real specialism is youth development this workshop will be one not to miss.
“I’ve always been interested in human potential. I remember as a kid thinking “I wonder what that person is capable of?”. Over time, this curiosity developed into a passion for assisting athletes in reaching their potential.
I decided to create Athletic Evolution as a method of creating discussion surrounding the various issues facing the development of youth athletes, as well as to provide the best practice in the athletic development and coaching of young athletes. From biological maturation, coaching methods to long-term athlete development, Athletic Evolution is a space to improve in how we support young athletes in their developmental journey.”
Rob Anderson – Athletic Evolution
There will also be active club challenge workshops lead by staff member Ben Pipes.
“I am really excited to be supporting the Stronger Clubs Conference 2018 and to get to work with SVA members. I see this as an opportunity to meet the network of people who bring our game to life across Scotland.
I won’t be giving any answers away when it comes to the challenges however I am excited to see if Scottish volleyball can join together and rise to the challenge. There will be a winner, however, full focus will be on how we can further fuel the passion for our great sport.”