The Scottish Volleyball Association, is pleased to present a Level II UKCC Coaching Award in Edinburgh.
Dates: Sat 10th, Sun 11th Sep, Sat 8th and Sun 9th of Oct (4 days)
Venue: Queensferry High School , Ashburnham Road, South Queensferry EH30 9JN
Time 0900-1700 each day
Cost: £210 (this figure will be 70% reduced through successfully applying for grants from sportscotland)
Course Content
The Level II UKCC Volleyball Award continues the dual thread of looking at the skills of both ‘How 2 ‘coach, and ‘What 2’ coach. ‘What 2’ coach includes looking in more detail at;
developing the side out unit
developing attacking skills
the setter as a specialist
defensive actions and systems
‘How 2’ coach looks at;
the issue of planning for both a season long programme, and individual sessions
the role of the coach while working with players in the practice arena
strength and conditioning
mental preparation
The course involves the candidates in two delivery segments, each of two days in duration, with a break period between the deliveries. The break period is to allow candidates to reflect on the first set of learning outcomes and content, and to gain some practical experience of actual coaching.
To register for this outstanding coaching opportunity please contact the Scottish Volleyball Association Office on 0131 556 4633 or Email.