As the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg played host to the men’s finals, a meeting of the Small Countries Division (SCD) Board of Administration was also held in Luxembourg City. In addition to the preparation of the next SCD General Assembly, the agenda included budget, development and competition strategies and these topics were worked through over two days.
CEV SCD President Margaret Ann Fleming was extremely satisfied with the results of the weekend: “This wonderful and well organised weekend event in Luxembourg has seen the realisation of a two-year project to create the Small Countries Division Beach Volleyball Commission which was one of the topics on the agenda of our Executive Committee for quite some time. It has been a pleasure and energising for me as SCD President to be surrounded by professional, enthusiastic and skilled Federations. The SCD Board met over two days and finalised documentation and programmes for the up-and-coming SCD General Assembly and for the 2016-2017 season as well.”
With the founding of the Beach Volleyball Commission, the Scot Martyn Johnstone was elected as CEV SCD Beach Volleyball Commission President. The first edition of the SCD Beach Volleyball Championships for ‘senior’ players and for the U20 age group is planned for 2016.
Martyn Johnstone states: “I am delighted to be leading this new venture promoting and developing Beach Volleyball within the 15 SCD Federations. My commission members and I are passionate and energetic with an emphasis to grow the game within a unique setup that is the Small Countries Division.”
As far as development is concerned, there are training courses planned for the coming season for referees, coaches and about event design in order to reach the ambitious goal that all members will take part in future SCD competitions.