Season 2010/11 Coach of the Year Award

Stuart EdgarVoting time is here for the Coach of the Year Award.

Your Club is eligible to vote – whether you play in the School’s Competitions, the JNL, or the Senior National Leagues… can vote!

Which Coach has impressed you this year?  Who has made their teams difficult to beat – who has demonstrated great sportsmanship – or has been a fabulous competitor….your vote tells us.

There are 3 stages to the Award process;
Stage 1 – your Club nominates a Coach from another Club whom you think has done a great job.

Stage 2 – the Clubs of all those who have been nominated are asked to supply an endorsement for their Coach – they are asked to tell us just how good the Coach has been.

Stage 3 – the nominations are reviewed by a ‘Jury Panel’ and the winners selected.

It’s easy!

There are two categories of awards;
•    Coach of a Female Team
•    Coach of  Male Team

And the nomination process is open to those coaching at ALL LEVELS of competition in Scotland.  Voting forms have already been distributed to Clubs, but can also be obtained by contacting the SVA Office by email.

Who is working to raise the performance bar?  Who is inspiring their players to achieve?  Who is driving the game forward and setting this year’s standards……Male/female competitions

Who will be the 2010 Coach of the Year?

Craig Faill
SVA Coaches Commission