March Newsletter – Invite for Potential Contributors

Time Out NewsletterWe’re pulling together contributions for our March newsletter.  It will be circulated to around 500 supporters, 80 clubs and 80 schools and be available for download from our website.    We’d like to hear from YOU where you support the principles of volleyball and the spirit of developing our sport inclusively.  

We’d especially like to see a variety of perspectives of volleyball in Scotland.  Here are just a few suggestions:  

  • juniors (perhaps you participate in the Junior National League or Junior Section of your Club – write and tell us about it)
  • veterans (perhaps you took part in the 40th Anniversary Christmas International just before Christmas – what did you think about it all)
  • players (your aspirations for yourself and where you’d like coaching or your club to develop in future)
  • sitting (give us your unique ‘view’ from the court and help us to encourage the growth of this discipline by telling us how to make you others more welcome and included where this isn’t happening already)
  • volunteers, administrators and officials (what have you been doing on behalf of volleyball in the background, either locally or internationally – often members undervalue what goes on ‘behind the scenes’ when they don’t hear about it)
  • sponsors (any new volleyball products you want to let the volleyball community in Scotland know about – tell us and we’ll share the news)
  • professionals/staff (why not submit a day in the life of a Local Authority Volleyball Development Officer or an update on the latest projects you want feedback on – put it together and send it in)
  • board (let us know how you have been representing volleyball for example at partnership meetings or other external gatherings)
  • coaches (what are the latest ‘how to improve’ hints and tips, as well as the established wisdom that others would like to learn about – share this information with the network of players, athletes and peers)
  • clubs (run a successful ‘come and try’ event lately or are you particularly good at attracting new recreational members from your community – shout about your success and share how other clubs can emulate your good practice)
  • quick facts (are you the equivalent of a trivial pursuit champion in the world of volleyball?  Share some of your quick facts with us to add to our publication.  Of course, don’t forget to provide references so we can check the source)
  • schools (how are your programmes panning out and what are you doing to keep young people engaged and passionate about volleyball – let us know)
  • photographers  (share your best digital shots with everyone – we’re always on the look out for donations of high resolution shots to ‘show off’ our sport)

Okay, we could go on but we’re sure YOUR ideas for contributions for YOUR newsletter will be more diverse and creative.  The closing date for all finished adverts, articles and other relevant info is no later than Monday, 2 March please.  We encourage you to put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard and contribute!  Send your contributions to  And don’t forget you can send information in for the website – – at anytime too.

We look forward to hearing from you all and being deluged with contributions you’d like to share with the wider volleyball community here in Scotland.

Ruth Crone
On behalf of Scottish Volleyball Association

P.S.        The great news is that where we don’t have space for contributions in the newsletter, we’ll consider the overflow for posting to the fantastic new website!  

P.P.S.      All contributions will be considered fairly for publication.  The right to edit, limit or reject contributions is reserved and the editor’s decision is final.

P.P.P.S.    Please don’t delay – pull your info together sooner rather than later, and send it to NOW.  Please use this great opportunity to contribute to higher levels of communication throughout your sport.